The problem of preventable public health: Evaluation of demographic characteristics of patients followed up and treated for corrosive esophagitis




Corrosive esophagitis, corrosive substance ingestion, esophageal burns, esophagoscopy, staging in esophageal burns


Objective: This study aims to evaluate the demographic characteristics of patients treated for corrosive esophagitis, highlighting key risk factors and the importance of immediate endoscopic evaluation.

Materials and methods: Retrospective demographic data of 340 (age, gender, number of siblings, maternal education level, region of incidence, type of treatment) patients with corrosive esophagitis who were followed up and treated and between the ages of 0 and 18 was examined. All patients had endoscopies 24-36 hours after exposure to stage their esophagitis, and the Zargar classification was applied for this staging.

Results: Corrosive esophagitis was shown to occur equally in both sexes. Patients were mainly exposed to 27.94% bleach, 15% air conditioner cleaner, and 12.64% sink cleaner. Pre-kindergarten age group had the highest exposure rate (40.58%), while rural residents had the highest exposure rate (64.12). Mothers with primary school education level were 55.2%. In 42.64% of the patients, the number of siblings in the household was 4 or more. 71.87% of patients had Stage 2A or below, while 25.29% had esophageal dilatation.

Conclusions: This study highlights the urgent need for preventive measures and education to reduce corrosive esophagitis, especially in vulnerable populations. Stricter regulations and targeted interventions are essential for effective prevention.


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How to Cite

Cakmak M, Dorterler ME, Boleken ME. The problem of preventable public health: Evaluation of demographic characteristics of patients followed up and treated for corrosive esophagitis. J Clin Trials Exp Investig [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 28 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];3(2):31-40. Available from:

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