Treatment approach in ovarian pathologies in children: A single center's experience
Children, ovarian mass, ovarian torsionAbstract
Objective: We aimed to retrospectively evaluate the pediatric patients followed up and treated for ovarian pathology by our Pediatric Surgery Clinic.
Materials and methods: In our study, cases with ovarian pathology followed up and treated in the Karaman Training and Research Hospital Pediatric Surgery Clinic between June.2013 and May.2022 were retrospectively analyzed. Data were obtained from the patient’s medical files in the hospital's digital filing system. The cases included in the study were divided into three groups. These were classified as surgical or conservative follow-ups according to the type of treatment.
Results: We identified 62 patients with ovarian pathology from our hospital database. Surgical intervention was performed in 51 (82 %) of the patients and 11 (18 %) were followed up conservatively. The mean age of the patients was 11.9 years (4 days to 17 years) and there was no age difference between the treatment groups (P>0.05). Of 62 patients; non-neoplastic ovarian pathology (NNOP) was found in 37 (59.7%), neoplastic ovarian pathology (NOP) in 6 (9.7%), and ovarian torsion in 19 (30.6%). In group I, %70 (n=26) of patients underwent surgery.
Conclusions: It should be kept in mind that the cause of abdominal pain, especially in girls, may be ovarian pathology, and every patient with suspected ovarian torsion should be evaluated urgently.
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