Post-operative complications of subcoronal hypospadias repair in patients receiving caudal block vs. penil block: A comparative study




Caudal block, Hypospadias, Pediatric, Penile block, Regional nerve block


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential impact of caudal nerve block anesthesia on the surgical outcomes of hypospadias repair in male patients aged between 6 and 48 months.

Materials and methods: The study successfully recruited 75 patients dividing two groups, group 1 (Penil block: PB) and group 2 (Caudal block: CB). The following parameters were assessed for each patient: Age, duration of surgery, analgesia requirements, wound dehiscence, fistula formation, meatal stenosis, urethral diverticula, and urethral stricture.

Results: This study involving 75 patients divided into two groups, Group 1 (40 patients) had an average age of 38±23 months and weight of 14.6±4.8 kg, while Group 2 (35 patients) averaged 42±19 months in age and 17.1±8.2 kg in weight. Operative times were comparable between groups. Post-operatively, around 45-49% of participants in both groups required further analgesia within 24 hours. Observations of surgical complications, including fistula, meatal stenosis, urethral stenosis, urethral diverticula, urethral dehiscence, and Chordee, revealed minor variations between groups. However, none of these differences reached statistical significance, indicating similar outcomes for both groups (p>0.05 for each comparison).

Conclusions: Both anesthetic techniques appear safe, and the choice should be based on individual clinical judgment and patient-specific factors.


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How to Cite

Sagir S. Post-operative complications of subcoronal hypospadias repair in patients receiving caudal block vs. penil block: A comparative study. J Clin Trials Exp Investig [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2(3):159-63. Available from: